Monday, September 29, 2008

American Spectator Blog Wars

I am not sure who Ross Douthat is, or why he earned Robert Stacey McCain's enmity but these three posts from the American Spectators AmSpec Blog strike me as rather humorous:

"The Curse of Douthatism - Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 7:19:55 PM

Another elitist advocate of eat-your-broccoli politics:

Even though most Americans claim to oppose the bailout, the House GOP's obstructionism is widely viewed as having worsened the economic situation . . .

What an Everest of haughty Harvard-educated condescension is contained in the phrase "most Americans claim to oppose the bailout." The same establishment insiders who did nothing to avert the disaster offer their expert solution to the problem -- foisting a $700 billion burden on the taxpayers -- and the people who angrily answered, "Hell, no!" are credited only with claiming to oppose the bailout. Obviously, without benefit of an Ivy League education, nobody actually knows what they believe.

Posted By: Robert Stacy McCain"

"Re: The Curse of Douthatism - Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 8:33:03 PM

1. You have the wrong link for the Douthat item. Here's the right one.

2. Your long standing hatred for the man has led you to spectacularly misread what he had to say.

Posted By: Jeremy Lott"

"Re: The Curse of Douthatism - Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 9:11:16 PM

Well, Jeremy, considering I disagree with just about everything Douthat has ever written, I suppose one link was as good as another, eh?

Posted By: Robert Stacy McCain"

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